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Topic: Fill in the blank
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:27:21 AM
In the simpliest lookup table the key is directly the __________ of the array.

Topic: What's it called?
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:29:05 AM
A data structure that uses the keys to create indices in which there is NOT a one-to-one correspondence between keys and indices is called a ________________.

Topic: Advantage?
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:30:48 AM
What is the advantage of a look-up table as compared to finding the desired value of a formula by directly computing the value.

Topic: Fill in the blank
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:32:47 AM
The phenomenon of multiple keys mapping to the same index is know as a _____________.

Topic: Definition
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:34:50 AM
The ratio of items stored in a hash table to the total number of available buckets is called the ______________.

Topic: Produce the code
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:38:07 AM
Create a simple method called myHashCode that returns an int type and in which the table size is given by the constant SIZE. This method receives a parameter, int k.

Topic: Handling collisions
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:39:10 AM
One way to handle collisions is probing. Name two types of probing.
Reply Title: One I can answer!!!  
ID: Sparky Date/Time: 09/11/2006 12:56:26 PM
The answer is Linear Probing and Quadratic Probing.

Topic: Good candidate
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:43:28 AM
When a lookup table is not practical because the keys are not directly the same as the indices (and are not easily converted to indices), what data structure is a good candidate (for time effeciency) for matching keys to values.

Topic: High or low?
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:46:04 AM
In a hardware system that is short on memory and where effecient memory usage is the most important consideration, which is most desirable, a hash table with a high or low load factor?

Topic: Time effeciency
ID: Author, Blue Pelican Java Date/Time: 07/01/2006 8:49:04 AM
Same question as the previous one except this time the most important consideration is time effeciency. Also assume there is plenty of memory.

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